Our School

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Our Vision

 Our Vision at St Michael’s is to live and learn in harmony with others inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus.

Our Living Values

Our living values are expressed in our 5 Bs; be safe, be respectful, be responsible, be a learner and be a leader.


Our Learning Values

Our learning values are expressed in our Keys for Learning; collaborate, persevere, create, question, and explore.

Keys main


Following these living and learning values everyone in our community has the opportunity to grow, learn and build positive relationships in a safe and supportive environment. 

Why Choose Us?

  •  When you enrol with us you become part of our vibrant and inclusive community.
  •  Students are nurtured in a supportive learning environment that is safe, welcoming, and committed to excellence in education.
  •  We use research-based high impact teaching practice based on the Science of Learning and the Science of Reading that has proven results to achieve  optimum learning outcomes for all students.
  •  Our teachers know our students, by working in partnership with parents to understand student strengths and challenges.
  •  Our Classroom Support Team can assist students to build learning capacity and to meet their learning needs. 
  •  We support students to grow and learn in all aspects of their personal growth- spiritually, academically, physically and emotionally.
  •  We support students to make connections and to develop effective social skills to enable them to build friendships and collaborate effectively with peers.
  •  We have a positive behaviour management system in place and believe in transparent, honest communication that focuses on the needs of students. We  reinforce safe and respectful relationships to build and reinforce our vision- to live and learn in harmony with others.
  •  Your child will have access to multiple opportunities and extra-curricular activities to find their passion.
  •  If you would like your child to participate in a Sacramental Program we work with the Parish Team to ensure students can continue this spiritual journey. 



School Prayer

I am a child of God
Today I will walk proudly because I am loved.
I will use my eyes to see the challenges before me.
I will use my words to build caring relationships.
I will use my ears to hear your message

Jesus, today I invite you into my heart
So that I may live in harmony with those around me
And have the courage to face the things I find difficult.