Assessment & Reporting

At St Michael’s, we believe that assessment is a vital part of any teaching and learning process and allows teachers to gauge student’s skills and needs on an ongoing basis. We use the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards and the Catholic Education Assessment tools and schedule to make professional judgements about student learning. This is a continuous process that takes place throughout a teaching cycle.

The purpose of Assessment at St Michael’s is to play an integral role in improving learning, informing teaching and providing feedback to students, families and the CECG school system.

At St Michael’s assessment is:

  • Aligned with curriculum and pedagogy
  • Equitable for all students
  • Informative of what students have learnt, allowing for teachers to respond accordingly with their instructional decisions
  • Evidence-based, using achievement standards to make defensible and comparable judgments about student learning
  • Transparent, to enhance professional and public confidence in the processes used, the information obtained and the decisions made


The purpose of reporting at St Michael’s is to communicate assessment information, formally and informally, to help students, parents/carers, teachers and education authorities make decisions about what students know and can do, including recommendations for future learning.

St Michael’s semester reports are published in Term 2 and Term 4 on the Compass school management system. To support the effective communication of achievement, areas for improvement, and actions that the student, school and parents/carers might take, reports/statements are standards referenced and based on a five-point scale, except for Kindergarten and provides information on student learning in each of the curriculum or key learning areas.

Student performance for the semester report is:

  • aligned with curriculum and assessment
  • defensible, comparable and based on clearly defined achievement standards
  • accurate
  • individualised
  • meaningful

Reporting to parents is not limited to Semester Reporting and also includes;

  • Parent-Teacher Interviews
  • Student Goal Setting Meetings
  • Learning Journeys