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9 Nov WSPT 1/2F @ 2.15
16 Nov Reconciliation Retreat Day @ St Monica's
Assembly 5/6H @ 2.15
21/11-22/11 Sacrament of Reconciliation
26/11 - 30/11 Swimming K-2
28 Nov Kinder 2019 Orientation Session 2
3 Dec - 7 Dec Swimming K-2
7 Dec Arts Showcase Assembly
11 Dec Family Christmas Spectacular
14 Dec 2pm - Yr 6 Final Awards Assembly
18 Dec 5.30pm - Graduation Mass & Celebration
- Fee Structure 2019 letter
- Systemic School Fee letter
- Swimming Note K-2
- Questacon Excursion Note Yr 3/4
- Year 6 Graduation note
- Reconciliation Retreat permission note
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your support on Friday for our Rainbow Family Walkathon. This was such a fun and colourful afternoon. Much excitment filled the air, along with coloured powder. A big thank you to Damien Webb and Lisa Monro for coordinating the event behind the scene. We raised over $6500 which will continue to go towards our upgrading of our outdoor spaces and equipment.
Kindergarten Orientation
Yesterday we welcomed 20 preschoolers to St Michael's. These very excited (and nervous) children will form our Kindergarten class of 2019. Thank you to everyone for making them feel welcome. As mentioned last week, Jessica Lewis will continue to teach on Kindergarten in 2019 which means we can already start transitioning and ensuring a smooth move from preschool to 'big school'. Another Orientation morning will be held in a fortnight.
Christmas Event
On Tuesday 11 December we will hold our Christmas Carol Spectacular Night at 6pm. I am aware that the last couple of years it has rained out, so keep those positive vibes and prayers for good weather on the night. Each class will be performing two items. A more traditional carol and then something a little special with a more modern take on a carol. We will be holding a Christmas Treats stall where you could purchase some items. Information will come home via your PRN about how you could help by contributing to the stall by baking a little something. As a thank you for your support this year, the Community Council will be putting on a free BBQ for everyone. Please RSVP for catering purposes via
Over the last two weeks, all students have been participating in Orienteering sessions as part of their sports (and Maths) lessons. It has been great seeing students moving around the school mapping and providing directions. Such important skills to develop. All classes have two more sessions to go. Thank you Erin Hardwicke for organising.
Before School Care Trial
Before School Care Trial started this week. This is being held in the library between 8-8.20am before regular supervision starts at 8.20am. I hope that this has provided support for families in the mornings and allow you all to get off to work in less of a hurry. We would appreciate a small donation to access the service which will go towards the library and greenhouse upkeep. We welcome feedback on this throughout the rest of the term. Should you wish to provide your child with a piece of fruit, breakfast bar etc at this time, that is fine.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tonight is the Sacrament of Reconciliation Parent & Child Preparation Night. This will be held at 6pm at St Monica's School. Any questions, please contact Meaghan Younger (REC). Next Friday, 16 November, students in Year 3 will be travelling over to St Monica's for the Sacrament Retreat Day.
Change of Bell Times in 2019
To fit in with teacher planning, timetabling and allocation of resourcing we will be changing bell times in 2019. Changes will not impact on start and end of school. The changes will occur during the day to maximise learning opportunities.
Bell Times / Sessions will be as follows...
8.50am - Start of School / Class time
11am - Recess Eating
11.10 - Recess Play
11.40 - Class time
1.40pm - Lunch Eating
1.50pm - Lunch Play
2.20pm - Class time
2.50pm - Pack Up / Clean Up
3.00pm - End of School
This will take some adjusting for students (and staff), however, we feel this will allow ease of timetabling and planning time for teachers and maximise learning time whilst shortening the afternoon session.
Community Council - Vacant Positions
Due to constitutional requirements, there are two vacant positions on the Executive of the School Community Council from 2019. We are therefore calling for nominations - any parent in the School community is eligible to nominate. Please see Lisa in the Front Office for a nomination form if you are keen to be part of this committee.
School Banking Coordinator for 2019
We are seeking a volunteer to assist with the school banking for 2019. We already have one volunteer who has kindly offered to process the banking, however having a second volunteer will assist greatly as she is not aways available every week. Please let Lisa in the Front Office know if you can assist in any way.
Final Thoughts
Sunday's Gospel reading is for myself, the essence of Catholic Education. As a Catholic Educator and Leader, my role is to lead by example, to influence and inspire all to live out their full potential and proclaim their faith. In doing this, one develops a deeper love for God, yourself and your neighbour. This is what I hope students at St Michael's develop over their years at school. With home and school working together, we want our children/students to move through primary school with love, kindness, acceptance and empathy for all those around them, including themselves and God. We want what they have learnt, developed and discovered in primary school to serve them in the years beyond, to have a positive impact on themselves, their families and their communities.
Enjoy the week ahead.
Kind regards,
Pat Ellis
Congratulations to the following students who are being awarded the 'Star Reading Award' from Scholastic at our next assembly on 16 November.
Isabella KL, Hannah KL, Oscar 1/2M, Chloe 1/2F, Orla 3/4W, Emma 3/4W, Jarrah 3/4W and Elizabeth 3/4W.
Congratulations to the following children who achieved a Harmony Award in Week 4 and will receive their award at our next assembly on 16 November.
KL | Nick |
1/2F | Cameron |
1/2M | Charlize |
3/4W | Owen |
3/4YM | Samara |
5/6B | Sarah Ba |
5/6H | Oliver |
5/6R | Alex |
Surprise Gifts
A kind gentleman has donated an illustrated children’s bible for each child at St Michael’s. This amazingly generous gift comes from an anonymous benefactor who was moved through prayer to provide these for all of our children. These will be sent home this Friday. As a school we are preparing a token of our thanks for these beautiful children’s bibles.
A reminder that our Parent/Child session is this evening, Thursday, 8th November from 6:00pm. We will meet in St Monica’s School. We aim to conclude by 7:00pm, mindful of bedtimes for the children involved. Please remember involvement in this session is a very important part of preparation for your child’s First Reconciliation and we will be creating symbols for use during the Reconciliation rituals and displays at our group celebrations of the sacrament.
Retreat Day for all children in Year 3 will be on Friday 16th November at St Monica’s School Hall. St Michael’s Year 3 children will travel by bus to and from this retreat. Our bus will leave St Michael’s at approximately 9:15am. Children will be engaged in Retreat activities until 1:00pm and then return in time for lunch back at St Michael’s. All students will need to take their morning tea and water bottle in a small bag with their name on it.
All Saints Day Mass
Thank you to 5/6B and Mrs Blakey for all your hard work preparing Mass for us last Thursday. It was a beautiful Mass focusing on all the saints, known and unknown. We continue to pray throughout November for all those who now rest at peace with God.
Whole School Prayer Time
A reminder that 1/2F will lead the Whole School Prayer Time tomorrow afternoon, from 2:15 in St Michael’s Church. We will be focusing on honouring soldiers who have died in the service of their country as we prepare for Remembrance Day.
K-2 SWIMMING Weeks 7 & 8
A note was sent home yesterday with reminders for this years program. As a slight change from last year, we are asking all students to come to school in their swimmers, uniform free clothes (appropriate to the weather conditions) and thongs/ slip on shoes. Please ensure all belongings are clearly labeled. This will be of great assistance to us as the students often misplace their belongings during these two weeks. If you are able to spare 10min at 11:00, to assist the students with getting changed into their school uniform, when they arrive back at school, we would appreciate your help. Please see Lisa at the Front Office when you arrive so as you can sign in. Please ensure you have your WWVP Card with you, if it is not already on file.
Next years swimming carnival will be held at Queanbeyan Pool on the 12th March. The carnival will be for all students 8 years and up. The younger students will remain at school for a Water Fun Day.
Mischa 5/6B competed in the Time to Shine Dance competition in Leeton over the weekend and was awarded 1st prize for classical, 1st prize for neo-classical and 2nd prize for demi-character for her 3 solos.
Hello everyone,
Our St Michael's Primary School Autumn Fete is on Saturday 16 March 2019, from 10am-2pm. We will have awesome rides, entertainment, stalls and food.
One of the big successes at the St Michael’s Fair in 2017 was the Silent Auction, raising over $2000 in profit. This Silent Auction was predominantly comprised of themed goods donated by families and carers in the School Community.
In 2019, we are looking to replicate this success and are again asking the School Community for great donations for the Silent Auction.
What is a Silent Auction and how does it work?
A Silent Auction is basically an auction that occurs on paper, where individuals bid for prizes and the highest bid wins.
What are we asking for in terms of donations, when and why before the end of 2018?
We are asking for parents and family members with children in each class to donate items along particular themes. These donations will be bundled up and used to create Silent Auction baskets or boxes, that can be bid for during the 2019 Fete.
To celebrate the donation day, St Michael’s will hold a casual dress day for students on Friday 30th November.
On this day, we ask parents, carers and children to bring in goods related to their class theme. These can be left at the Front Office and will be stored safely until the 2019 Fete.
Last year, some parents and carers had ideas for larger prizes and chipped in together for bigger items (eg coffee machine/frother/coffee pods, gourmet teas/chocolates packs). So, if you have an idea for a larger prize within your class, chat to your fellow parents or message via the PRN and organise larger prizes.
All donations made need to be within date for the Autumn Fete timing and newly purchased (ie not white elephant stall type goods).
The class themes for the Silent Auction for the 2019 Autumn Fete are:
KL - Sports theme. eg tennis racquets, tennis balls, soccer balls, totem tennis set, skipping ropes, drink bottles.
1/2F Games Pack - eg board games, puzzles, card games, chess or checker sets, for kids and adults.
1/2M Tea/Coffee - eg fancy tea cups, coffee machine, milk frother, coffee pods, gourmet teas, biscuits, chocolates.
3/4YM Arts and Crafts - eg art supplies, quality pencils, sketching paper, clay, play dough.
3/4W Garden – eg secateurs, gardening gloves, watering can, nursery voucher, wheelbarrow, seed packets, Bunnings voucher, worm farm.
5/6R Cooking - eg recipe books, measuring cups, bowls, spatulas, icing sets, baking trays/tins, hand mixer.
5/6B Gourmet - eg biscuits, chocolates, dessert wine.
5/6H Pamper Pack – items for both males and females. Eg candles, face masks, foot products, chocolates, massage voucher, facial voucher.
In terms of why we are seeking donations now for a 2019 Fete, we reasoned that this is one of many tasks that could be completed prior to the end of 2018. The 2019 Autumn Fete will occur in Week 6 of Term 1, 2019 and there will be many other Fete related tasks to complete closer to the day.
Many thanks,
Serae Love and Fiona Scherl
Sustainability Update - Damien Webb
I just wanted to say a personal thank you to the wider St Michael’s community for the support that was shown to the school last Friday for our Family Rainbow Walkathon. It was great to see so many families involved in the event and that went a long way to making the event the huge success that it was.
We are continuing to plant a number of different plants during sustainability lessons, and we have been supported by the St Michael’s Parish with the donation of tomato plants. We have now got some tomato plants growing in our greenhouse and it will be interesting to see how successful they are in an aquaponics system.
Many of student’s have been creating videos highlighting the different opportunities they have been provided throughout sustainability lessons this year. They have enjoyed promoting the unique learning opportunities that they are exposed to and how lucky they are to be part of the St Michael's community.
Week 6
This week the focus is on step 2 of the model, Plan. In Peer Support children learn the need to develop a range of coping strategies and be creative in drawing on these when planning responses. Responses include persevering, seeing the positive side to situations and engaging in activities they enjoy as a distraction for a short time.
Encourage your child to talk with you about strategies they could use as difficulties arise.
Schools Recycle Right Challenge
Monday 22 October to Friday 16 November 2018
Junk to Funk Competition
Design a visual art creation using recycled material. Write a short summary of how it was put together.
Why you chose those particular materials, and a description of your recycled creation.
All entries in by Friday 16 November
Thank you to everyone who volunteered, participated and donated money to our Walkathon. All money raised will go towards the upgrading of playground equipment. Congratulations to the Daly and Musladin families for raising the most money.