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11 June | Athletics Carnival |
16 June | ACT Cross Country |
17 June | Musica Viva Performances |
18 June | Winter Woolies Day & Vinnies Stay Out |
25 June | OLPH Feast Celebrations |
25 June | Last Day for Term 2 |
13 July (Tuesday) | First Day for Term 3 |
Please remember that copies of notes sent home are available on our website.
Dear Parents/Carers,
What a lovely ceremony we had last night for our celebration of First Communion, despite a storm in the middle of the evening! The children were beautifully prepared and prayerfully engaged in the Mass. Thank you to everyone involved particularly Fr. Loi, Meaghan Younger, the year 3/4 teachers and the Parish Team.
Being Safe online
Staying up to date with our children in this increasingly digital world is a challenge to say the least.
You may have many questions around the use of digital devices for your child. The best way to use devices safely is to be informed and to create family rules around their use. These are some common questions parents ask:
- How do I use the parent controls as a safety net for my child’s time online?
- How do I reduce the risks of cyberbullying?
- I am worried about my child being exposed to online pornography.
This website is a great place to start the conversation, there are so many resources and engaging activities for all the family.
Semester One Reporting/Interviews
A reminder that Catholic Education is now issuing your child’s Semester One report via the Compass Parent Portal. We have sent logins to all families. If you have not updated your email information and downloaded the parent portal or have any questions, please contact our front office staff. You will have the opportunity to book an interview to discuss your child’s report with the classroom teacher via the portal. We will inform you when this goes live.
Athletics Carnival
The weather is not looking great for Friday, more details in the Sports News section.
Tell them from me
The school survey closes shortly so please access this link to have your say. We value your feedback via this system initiative.
Community News
Congratulations to the Metz family on the birth of Leo, a beautiful little brother for Zoe in Kindergarten.
Please keep the Bradnam family in your thoughts and prayers as Jack (1/2B) is unwell, currently in hospital in Sydney. As a community, we extend our thoughts, prayers and well wishes to Melissa, Jamie and the Bradnam family.
Thank you for your continued support, many blessings,
Judy Egan
A couple of reminders:
All absences submitted through the Parent Portal need to be whole day absences only. Students that arrive late to school or leave early, will need to be signed in and out by the parent on the kiosk in the Front Office. Part day absences signed in through the Parent Portal are not registering on the rolls.
Please click on the link below for instructions on how to log an absence:
The function for emailing a teacher is not up and running yet, please do not try to use this until further notice.
The Parent Portal is not set up for payments yet, please continue to use QKR until further notice.
Thank you for your patience as we all navigate this change to together.
Religious Education Curriculum
Years One and Two are enjoying learning about the role choices play in our lives and the impact good and bad choices make on ourselves and others. They have explored the story of Moses and the choices he made to listen to God, even when it was difficult. If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to watch the Disney production of the story of Moses (Prince of Egypt) as it provides a child-friendly interpretation of this great story from Scripture.
Religious Life of St Michael’s School Community
Reconciliation Week Whole School Prayer Time
Thank you to Miss Lewis and 3/4L for your wonderful preparation for and leadership of our Reconciliation Week Whole School Prayer Time last Friday. What a beautiful way to reflect on our journey of reconciliation in Australia.
First Eucharist
Congratulations to the students who have received Eucharist for the first time this week:
James D, Kai W, Joshua P, Sierra B, Isabella B, Alessia C, Luca F, Charlie C, Marissa K, Josiah P, Oscar W, Ryan P, Liam B, Lachlan M and Aiden L. May Jesus always be in their hearts and visible in their lives.
St Vincent de Paul Winter Woolies Day and Stay Out
Friday 18th June will be our annual St Vincent de Paul Winter Woolies Day and Stay Out event. On Friday 18th June all children are invited to wear their own choice of warm clothing to school and bring donations of warm winter woollies for donating to St Vincent de Paul. St VdP are in high need of blankets, warm coats, gloves and socks for use by the homeless and those in need in Canberra’s community. You are also invited to send in donations of toiletries items for creating dignity packs for the homeless. Suggestions for these packs are soap/body wash, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo and conditioner and hand-cream.
From 4pm students are invited back to school to participate in the Stay Out. They will enjoy a visit from the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol Van and activities run by the St Vincent de Paul Ministry, including a ‘homelessness’ experience outside in the dark. Children will have a soup and bread roll dinner like from the soup kitchens run for the homeless and help put together the dignity packs using donated toiletries items. A letter outlining more details and with a permission note will go out this coming week.
Youth Mass
A reminder that the second last Sunday of each month is the Youth Mass in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. This is celebrated at the 5:30pm Mass at St Michael’s each month. Following Mass there are games and food for the young people. The next Youth Mass will be on Sunday 20th June.
Sacramental Program 2021 – First Eucharist for Y4 students in 2021
Congratulations to all the students who are celebrating the Sacrament of First Eucharist this week. Please keep these students in your prayers.
Upcoming Sacraments during 2021
The Sacrament of Confirmation - will be celebrated during Term 3 on 7,8 and 9 September.
Parent information session is scheduled for 22 July.
Registrations for the Sacrament will open on 22 June and close on 9 August.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation - will be celebrated during Term 4.
For further information please contact the Sacramental Program coordinator at or the parish website at
Athletics Carnival UPDATE – This Friday
The weather for the next two days does not look favourable for our carnival and so the decision has been made to alter the format of our carnival to prioritise the track events only.
Students have nominated if they wish to compete in the 70m, 100m, 200m and/or 800m. Only students 8 years and above are eligible to attend the carnival. We will leave from school at 9am and walk to Kaleen North Playing Fields, returning at approximatley 12pm. Parents are most welcome to come and watch the races.
We will hold our shot put and discus events at school before the end of this term. This will allow us to select our team for the Belconnen Region Athletics Carnival in August.
The special morning tea and lunch will still go ahead. The sausage sizzle lunch will happen here at school. Students attending the carnival will take their muffin and popcorn with them. If you haven't processed your promised payment via QKR, could you please do this as soon as possible.
Those students attending the carnival are reminded to bring warm clothes a raincoat, water and any additional food they may need.
Everyone is encouraged to wear sports house coloured clothes.
If you have any questions please email Mrs Hardwicke.
Yours in all things sport,
Erin Hardwicke
Aboriginal Cave and Rock Art
In Visual Art lessons we have been learning about symbolism, techniques and the use of natural pigments used in Aboriginal art. Australian Aboriginal art contains many different symbols. These help the artist tell a story or give meaning to the picture they create. The symbols tell about the people and meeting places as well as creating a unique style for the artist. These may change around Australia as there are many different Aboriginal groups who use quite different painting styles.
Hi, my name is Samuel Mitchell. My family and I have been lucky enough to go and see a lot of Aboriginal rock and cave art because we used to live in the Northern Territory and that is where some of the most famous rock art is located.
One day we left Darwin and headed to Kakadu National Park. We arrived at Ubirr where we walked a trail to view Aboriginal Art. The rock art depicts traditional foods and tells stories about law and creation.
Later we climbed a big rugged rock that was very slippery so that we could look over the Nadab floodplain. It was an amazing view. At sunset a man played a didgeridoo. I’ve been there three times.

Congratulations to the following students who achieved a Harmony Award in Week 8. Awards will be presented at Friday morning's assembly (weather permitting).
Well done!!
KF | Emma M |
1/2B | Peter K |
1/2H | Valentina C |
3/4A | Nate B |
3/4L | Mallory B |
3/4Y | James S |
5/6F | Finley H |
5/6K | Sienna W-A |

Special wishes to those children who celebrate their birthday this week:
Desan 3/4Y and Lillian KF
We hope you have a great day!!

- Toothpaste tubes, floss containers and old plastic toothbrushes
- Electric toothbrush heads
- Medical ointment tubes
- Hair gel tubes and caps
- Hair paste plastic jars and lip balm tubes
- Face soap dispensers and tubes
- Lotion bottles, tubes, dispensers, and jars
- Shaving foam tubes (no cans)
- Plastic razors and blades
- Lip gloss tubes
- Mascara tubes
- Eye liner pencils and cases
- Eyeshadow tubes
- Concealer tubes and sticks
- Medical blister pack
- Spray or pump from cleaning products
- Coffee pods
- Party supplies and dining disposables (single-use cutlery and straws)
- Prescription drug packaging (blister packs)
- Plastic bread tags
If you could collect these items at home and bring them into school, there will be a tub at the Front Office for you to drop off your collected items.
We would appreciate your help and assistance. We hope together we can make a difference in the community and maybe even further.
Thank you.
Your Sustainability Team
DANCECORE - Dance classes are on Wednesdays at recess in the school hall, forms are available at the Front Office.
Contact Cassie 0417 442 750
CHESS - Chess classes are held in C Block on Tuesdays at recess, forms are available at the Front Office. Contact Sydney Academy of Chess 9745 1170
GUITAR - Guitar lessons with Sam on Thursdays, please contact
Sam on 0408 196 855
PIANO - Piano Lessons with Mary-Liz on Mondays & Tuesdays, please contact Mary-Liz on 0413 425 753
SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB - Scholastic Book club is back and runs twice a Term. If you have any queries, contact Mrs Monro or Mrs Hardwicke.
The Entertainment Book is back, bigger and better, prices starting from $69.99. Please click on the link below to order your digital copy of the new book.
Please see the School Sport ACT webpage or Facebook page for the most up to date information.
SCHOOL SPORT ACT TRIALS – Please keep an eye on the School Sport ACT website for upcoming ACT trials. The process for registering can be found below. If you need any assistance registering your child please feel free to ask for assistance.
How to register your child with School Sport ACT
School Sport ACT now collects all registration information online – this is to prevent the movement to and fro of a paper note and have all information readily available to officials prior to the trial. As this process incurs a fee for data storage, system maintenance and admin, a small $5 fee payment via credit card will be required.
- Go to the School Sport ACT website –
- Click Register (top right corner of homepage) for an Account – enter parent details and password
- A confirmation email will be sent to your chosen email that will contain a link that you must click on to verify the email account.
- Click Log In (top right hand corner of home page) enter password then click on top tab My Profile
- You will see a ‘dashboard’ of your information, click green box to Add Student – enter student and medical details and save.
- Go to the Sports Tab – choose your specific sport, click on Trial Information box then click on the Register to Trial link.
- Select your child’s name from the dropdown box and then enter the optional fields for Playing History, Preferred Position (if applicable) and Representative Experience. If you are already in the system, ensure your child’s school is up to date in your profile – have they moved onto High School?
Please contact me via email if you have any questions, feedback or are able to offer your assistance at any of our sporting events throughout the year.
Looking forward to another big year of sporting participation,
Erin Hardwicke