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- Triple P - Positive Parenting Program!
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- Harmony Awards
- Religious Education News - Erika Tokich
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- Sport & Library News - Erin Hardwicke
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- SFX Enrolling for 2026
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- School Sport ACT - ACT Teams Selection - 2025
28 March | 8:50am | Awards/ Birthday Assembly |
3 April | Ryka Ali Performance | |
3 April | St Michael's Cross Country | |
4 April | 2:30pm | Rainbow Awards/ Birthday Assembly in School Hall |
4 April | School Photos | |
9 April | Palm Sunday Liturgy (K-2) | |
10 April | Holy Thursday/Good Friday Liturgy (3-6) | |
11 April | Pupil Free Day | |
18 April | Good Friday | |
25 April | Anzac Day | |
28 April | Pupil Free Day | |
29 April | First day of Term 2 for students | |
29 April | 2.30pm | ANZAC Day Liturgy |
Dear Parents and Carers,
We were thrilled that so many of our community attended the Resilience Project Webinar last Wednesday evening : Digital Wellbeing for families. If you were not able to join on the night, see the information below including the link to the recording.
Here is the link to the recording as promised. Please note that this link will expire on the 19th of April.
We are seeking some quick feedback from families who attended the Digital Wellbeing Webinar last week. We value your honest feedback, and it assists us to plan effectively for the future.
Leah Stevenson’s presentation was engaging, practical and thoughtful. Here are just a sample of take-aways that stuck with our staff.
- Tech is fun and amazing but like anything needs to have boundaries, it can become addictive
- Being bored is OK, kids need imaginative play, outdoor time etc.
- 24% of our student’s report being online between 10pm and 6am this impacts sleep and general health and wellbeing
- If you say goodnight to your child, close the bedroom door and they have a device, you are effectively opening another door to 80 billion people
- A great way to work with technology at home is to have a tech agreement about devices and everyone needs to agree
- If you are on your phone and your child walks into the room, look at them and smile or say hello, this allows them to make a connection with you if they need your time. If they make a connection and want to talk, put the phone away. This tells them you value them and are available for them
- Make time to be around a table, eating together at least once a week with no devices
- Check out the settings on your phone, how much time are you spending on scrolling aimlessly and is this after 10pm? Are you getting 8 hours sleep?
- No time is good time on the phone late at night, online shopping disasters!
- Educate yourself about Apps, some Apps allow kids to locate friends and if they were all at someone’s house and your kid wasn’t invited it could be damaging their wellbeing
- Implement controls, use sites together, play games together, visit
We really appreciate our families working with us to model, monitor and manage everyone’s use of devices. Learning is so much easier when students have regular sleep patterns. We are the first generation to deal with these issues. Together we can listen to research, hear experts and implement strategies to ensure we set boundaries around devices. Tech is a valuable and enjoyable tool, but without adults taking control it can be destructive, addictive and a dangerous influence owning children and adults and destroying family time.
Let’s keep tech in check!
Staff news
Our community sends love and support to Maria Papasidero on the death of her beautiful Dad, Antonio. May her family feel the warmth of God’s unending presence at this sad time.
Kim Kennedy our wonderful janitor who has been with us for 10 years has made the decision to retire. He will finish up this term. We will farewell Kim at our Week 9 Rainbow Awards Assembly on Friday 4 April at 2:30pm. All welcome.
Thank you for your continued support.
Many Blessings,
Judy Egan
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program!
Immediate support for families: free online program helps parents of kids with disability |
Families of children with disability facing long wait times for diagnosis and support can now access Stepping Stones Triple P Online - a free, evidence-based parenting program funded by the Australian Government that offers immediate, practical strategies to help children thrive and boost parental wellbeing. (Please read attached PDF for full details) |
Congratulations to the following students who achieved a Harmony Award this week.
Well done!!
K Yellow | Ruby K |
1/2 Blue | Leonardo A |
1/2 Red | Mia B |
3/4 Green | Emma M |
3/4 Orange | Ruby W |
5/6 Indigo | Alana Z |
5/6 Pink | Amalie S and Cameron J |
Religious Education News - Erika Tokich
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the day that we commemorate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. On Wednesday the 9th of April, the K-2 will be leading a liturgy which dramatises the gospel story. During the liturgy there will be opportunities to ponder on questions such as ‘Why was Jesus riding a donkey?’, 'Why were some Jews excited and others angry?’ and ‘How have we welcomed Jesus into our hearts this Lent?’. This liturgy will lead us into a Holy Thursday liturgy led by 3-4 students and a Good Friday liturgy led by 5-6 students both on Thursday the 10th of April. Families are most welcome to join us in the courtyard at 9am for these commemorations.
Project Compassion
Lam is 27 years old from a small village in rural Vietnam who faced significant challenges due to his short stature. Growing up, Lam often felt isolated due to limited job opportunities and difficulty moving around his community. While his friends started jobs after high school, Lam stayed home with his parents, unsure if he could ever achieve his dream of becoming a graphic designer.
Everything changed when Lam joined the I-SHINE program, supported by Caritas Australia. Through this initiative, Lam completed a six-month course developing his graphic design skills. Along the way, he built confidence, made friends and gained a sense of connection.
Today, Lam runs a successful freelance graphic design business from home, serving clients worldwide and earning a steady income. Lam hopes his story will encourage other young people with disabilities to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.
Lam’s journey shows how your support of Project Compassion empowers individuals to break barriers and transform their lives.
Will you walk alongside people like Lam this Lent?
A reminder that Project Compassion boxes will be collected at the end of term. Alternatively, you can donate at our school website:
Reconciliation Retreat Day
Last Thursday the Year 4 students and Sacrament candidates, participated in a Reconciliation Retreat Day. The day involved activities based around repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. We concluded the day with a liturgy based around the Parable of The Prodigal Son which shares the message of God’s unconditional love and mercy for us all. Students participated with reverence and were open in sharing their thoughts and own experiences with each other. At the end of the day we reflected on what we had learnt. Responses included, ‘I learnt that God loves you unconditionally’, ‘We need to forgive others like Jesus did’, and ‘Everybody makes mistakes and needs a second chance’. What mature and insightful reflections! Congratulations to all students and candidates who have celebrated their Sacrament of Reconciliation this week.

If you have a child enrolled in the Sacrament you are now able to book a time using the Trybooking system. See information below:
Book a time for your child’s Sacrament of Reconciliation THIS WEEK
Trybooking is now open for bookings for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Bookings close this weekend.
To book a 5 minute spot for your child to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation use the links below:
- Tuesday 25 March in St Michael’s Church, Kaleen, between 3.30pm and 5pm (
- Wednesday 26 March in St Monica’s Church, Evatt, between 3.30pm and 5.30pm (
- Thursday 27 March in St Monica’s Church, Evatt, between 3.30pm and 5.30pm (
Registrations are now closed and No Late Registrations can be accepted.
Sport & Library News - Erin Hardwicke
Belconnen Region Swimming
Congratulations to Zoe (3/4G), Mahli (5/6I) and Chloe (5/6I) who competed in yesterday’s swimming championships. A successful and fun day was had by all.
Cross Country
We will hold our School Cross Country next Thursday 3 April. The course is located on the path adjacent to the school. Parents are welcome to attend. We will commence with our oldest competitors at 9am and conclude with the Kinder run at 10:45am (all times are approximate).
Cross Country Parent Volunteers
Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to assist us on the day. Volunteers can meet Mrs Hardwicke on the grass area (afternoon pick up area) behind the canteen at 8:45am.
AFL AusKick Afterschool Program
We are excited to be hosting 4 weeks of after school AFL program in Term 2. If your child is interested in participating, please see the attached flyer for details on how to register.
Save the Date – Athletics Carnival 13 May 2025
Our School Athletics Carnival is coming up early in Term 2. We are fortunate to be able to use the Merici College oval and facilities again this year. Please keep an eye out on Compass for the permission note. If you can assist at the carnival, please contact Erin Hardwicke We greatly appreciate your help with running the event.
Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge
The Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge has commenced for 2025! The theme for this year is ‘Spaces and Places Where we Read.’ All students received their recording sheet in library lessons this week. We encourage all students to participate in the challenge by reading 30 books by 12 September. Books can be physical, digital or audio and include books read independently as well as those read by others.
All completed entry forms can be placed in the prize barrel in the library. The prizes will be drawn at the conclusion of the challenge. Happy Reading!
More information can be found at
A wonderful opportunity for prospective families to see the College in action, meet our students and attend the Principal’s Address, Year 7 and 11 Information Evenings and lots more.
Visit for all dates and information for our Open Day and enrolment events.
- Open Day, Principal’s Address and Year 7 2026 Information Night: Wednesday 7 May
- Be a Merici Girl Days: 2, 5, 12 May
- Talk and Tour: 10 May
Here is the link to the bookings, which will open on 20 March.
School Sport ACT - ACT Teams Selection - 2025
School Sport ACT - ACT Teams Selection - Important Information
Please see the School Sport ACT webpage or Facebook page for the most up to date information.
SCHOOL SPORT ACT TRIALS – Please keep an eye on the School Sport ACT website for upcoming ACT trials. The process for registering can be found below. If you need any assistance registering your child please feel free to ask for assistance.
How to register your child with School Sport ACT
School Sport ACT now collects all registration information online – this is to prevent the movement to and fro of a paper note and have all information readily available to officials prior to the trial. As this process incurs a fee for data storage, system maintenance and admin, a small fee payment via credit card will be required.
- Go to the School Sport ACT website –
- Click Register (top right corner of homepage) for an Account – enter parent details and password
- A confirmation email will be sent to your chosen email that will contain a link that you must click on to verify the email account.
- Click Log In (top right hand corner of home page) enter password then click on top tab My Profile
- You will see a ‘dashboard’ of your information, click green box to Add Student – enter student and medical details and save.
- Go to the Sports Tab – choose your specific sport, click on Trial Information box then click on the Register to Trial link.
- Select your child’s name from the dropdown box and then enter the optional fields for Playing History, Preferred Position (if applicable) and Representative Experience. If you are already in the system, ensure your child’s school is up to date in your profile – have they moved onto High School?